Rather than carrying out a company formation to start a new limited company, people often buy into an established franchise to get started in the business. But what are the advantages of a franchise?
As a business structure, a franchise can certainly be an appealing option. With a number of advantages, it is often the choice of those looking to start a new business without the risks associated with going out on their own.
A franchise offers the advantage of operating under the banner of an already established business. The ideas, the brand, the operating techniques and much more are already tried and tested and in place ready to be implemented again and again at a new location as each franchisee takes up the mantle
Operating under the banner of a franchise allows a franchisee to take advantage of the previously established brand of the business. This means there will (in theory) be far less work (and cost) involved in trying to establish and build on the brand of the business. It will already be known and trusted by the market and therefore should produce a steady stream of brand-loyal customers. Adopting a franchise means the advantage of the franchises trademark and the benefits of a registered trademark.
Yet another advantage of franchises is the fact that acquiring business finance is generally easier. Investors are far more willing to invest in a business with an established network, secure brand and effective support structure. In some instances, finance may be acquired from the franchisor, making life even simpler for the new business.
The franchisee can also take advantage of the numerous business relationships already established by the franchisor. In all likelihood, relationships with suppliers (and perhaps distributors) will already be in place and easy to manage. The advantages of already established relationships with advertisers and marketing teams may also be of benefit to the new business start-up.
Franchises offer the advantage of a support and security system. Often franchisors will offer training schemes and support with things like the management of accounts, sales, advertising and more. These sorts of things may well be included in the price of the franchise fee.
The old myth is that 95% of businesses fail within the first 5 years – this (false) point is often championed by franchisors who are trying to encourage new people into their network. The security offered by the franchise can give the impression that the business will be less likely to fail.
Another advantage of starting a franchise is that it makes more money. With the backing of a big name and a big brand, they will get more customers and thus more profits.
How we can Help?
Support you will get from IDFT
- We will guide you in running the franchisee and all other operations parts.
- We would even guide and help in Establishing and Setting up the Centre.
- Mumbai Head Office would take the responsibility of Documentation, Registration and all the process of each and every student of the Franchisee.
- We will provide ID Cards for students.
- Stationary and Clothes, students need to purchase.
- The Syllabus would be provided by the IDFT, Mumbai.
- We would help in Faculty Appointment and also Train them.
- Will help your students in industrial visits.
- Examination Assistance with question paper provided by us along with answer sheets checked and reviewed by our Mumbai Team.
- Result and Marksheet would be provided by our Mumbai Head Office to each and every student.
- Online webinar excess to all students.
- Free excess to fashion shows and awards shows for the franchisee.
- Placement and Internship assistance and guidance.
- You can launch all IDFT online courses at your centre without taking the burden of faculty as faculties fees will be bear by head office Mumbai (applicable for all online courses)
- Marketing Assistance from head office.
- You will be invited by the head office to all the events produced by IDFT.
- Paid Digital Marketing service assistance.
- You can use IDFT official website while communicating with students and parents. No need to make your own website.
- You can use IDFT logo and Name but in case of any important decision related to IDFT name and logo use, please take prior approval from head office.

About Us
Institute of Designing & Fashion Technology
Institute of Designing & Fashion Technology, IDFT was established in October 2013 with the motto of INSPIRING YOUTH IN THE WORLD OF FASHION, to be creative as well as self-sufficient. It is our aim to develop and train students to become independent entrepreneurs. We at IDFT, believe in sharing good quality Education to youth, enabling them to develop the right attitude, professional competence and inculcating right ethical values. It is our step in the direction of the overall development of students by extending their knowledge not only in the field of fashion but also in overall Entrepreneur skills. In the upcoming years, Fashion Designers are the prime trendsetters for the world. A designer has to predict consumer reaction and work within the financial budgets for the manufacturing process of the apparel which has to be both fashionable and functional. We here at IDFT create such masterpieces. Our training modules are best suited to make aspiring designers a perfect fit to not only the most promising brands of the globe but also initiate start-ups into a successful business after pursuing their course at the IDFT.
Commenced Operations
Operations Commenced On 2013
Franchise Commenced On 2016
Franchise Details
Franchise/Brand Fees INR1,75,000
Royalty/Commission - 10%
Property Details
Type of property required for this franchise opportunity - Commercial
Floor area requirement - 700 Sq. Ft - 5000 Sq. Ft
Preferred location of the unit franchise - outlet ground floor
Training Details
Is field assistance available for franchisee - Yes
Expert guidance from Head Office to franchisee in opening the franchise-Yes
Is paid Digital Marketing assistance available for the franchise- Yes
Course Certificate, I cards for students, I cardholder will be provided – Yes
Complete guidance for recruitment & training of employees- Yes
Train the Trainer program- Yes
Agreement & Term Details
How long is the franchise term? 3-Years